
Showing posts from September 24, 2023

Concept of Enternity

Eternity as a timeless realm, without succession, duration or sequence. In this view, there is no “before” or “after”, and the past, present and future as we think of them all exist together in an eternal “Now”. This was the view of the early Christian theologian St. Augustine and, before him, of Plato and the Neo-Platonists. target="_blank">Eternity as never-ending time, without beginning or end, but nevertheless time as we normally think of it, with duration and succession from the past towards the future. Such a view was held by Aristotle, as well as many early Christians (before St. Augustine)   But, if the universe itself is not eternal, from the Christian/Muslim/Jewish viewpoint, the God that created it IS eternal. In these and many other religions, the presiding God or gods are assumed to live forever, and much ink has been spilled in clarifying exactly how this occurs. Depending on the religion or the particular religious commentator, God may be considered to exis

Concept of the Bermuda Triangle

 The concept of the Bermuda Triangle as a mysterious area with a high number of disappearances began to gain popularity in the mid-20th century. The first significant mention of the Bermuda Triangle as we know it today can be traced back to a 1950 article in "Fate" magazine by author Vincent Gaddis. Gaddis coined the term "Bermuda Triangle" and wrote about several incidents involving ships and aircraft disappearing in the region. However, it's important to note that the idea of strange occurrences in this area existed before Gaddis's article. Reports of ships and planes disappearing in the region can be found dating back to the early 20th century. Still, it was Gaddis's work that helped solidify the concept in the public imagination. It's worth emphasizing that while the Bermuda Triangle has gained notoriety for alleged mysterious disappearances, many of these incidents can be explained by natural phenomena, human error, and other rational causes. Th

Hirachey Of Angels

  1.Seraphim Name means the burning ones, and they are Attendants at the Throne of God. They praise God singing, “Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of Hosts!” (Isaiah 6:1-7) 2. Cherubim Name means the Fullness of Wisdom, and theyContemplate God’s providence. Assigned to protect special places. (Exodus 25:18-21; Ezekiel 10:14; Revelation 4-6) 3. Thrones Represent the steadfastness of the love of God. The contemplate God’s power and judgment, and they appear as the most unlike the others when revealed. (Ezekiel 10:17; Colossians 1:16; Daniel 7:9) 4. Dominions Lord over the lower choirs and humanity. They take illumination from the higher hierarchies and govern the universe. (Ephesians 1:21; Colossians 1:16) 5. Virtues Run the operation of movement in the universe. They are often associated with planets, elements, seasons, and nature. (Ephesians 1:21) 6. Powers Assist in governing the natural order. They are warrior angels tasked with fighting the war against the demonic choirs. (Ephesians 1:2

History of the rosary

 There are differing views on the history of the rosary, a Christian prayer rope, cord or chain used to count specific prayers, commonly as a Marian devotion. The exact origin of the rosary as a prayer is less than clear and subject to debate among scholars. The use of knotted prayer ropes in Christianity goes back to the Desert Fathers in the 3rd and early 4th centuries. These counting devices were used for prayers such as the Jesus prayer in Christian monasticism. The period after the First Council of Ephesus in 431 witnessed gradual growth in the use of Marian prayers during the Middle Ages. The practice of meditation during the praying of the Hail Marys was attributed to Dominic of Prussia (author of Liber experientiae 1458), a 15th-century Carthusian monk, who called it the "Life of Jesus Rosary" (vita Christi Rosarium). However, in 1977, a theologian from Trier named Andreas Heinz discovered a vita Christi rosary that dated to 1300, suggesting the origin of the current

Have you figured out the reason why God created you

 If you may have come across many chapters in the bible, there were many warnings about his return.....go to "revelation" and see what is happening in our world today             Romans 3:23-24 Jesus is the only way to HEAVEN☝️ You are Created by God to Loved God and to be Loved by God! Always remember that!  We all have sinned and deserve to perish in Hell, but because of God's Mercy and Grace he send his only son Jesus to Sacrifice on the Cross to saved us.  23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.  Repent and Return to God everyone Jesus is coming back soon here on earth all the prophesy is happening Climate, Disaster, Wars, Hunger, Jesus will Rapture the believers my bro/sis, what you need to do is to Repent from all your sins and believed that Jesus died on the cross to sacrifice himself so through that their is forgiveness of our sins and God raised him f

This is the Christ thorn tree

 This is the species of tree that was used to crown JESUS CHRIST YESHUA THE MESSIAH WITH A CROWN OF THORNS THAT WAS HAMMERED INTO HIS CRANIUM AND SCALP. Each thorn is roughly 3 to 4 inches long and super hard.    Biblical DMT (Dimethyltryptamine) Symbolism: Jesus' Crown of Thorns & Sacrament of the Mysteries According to biblical legend, soldiers and authorities arrested, mocked, spit on, insulted, tortured, and killed a person named Jesus, who was teaching Sacrament Rites reserved for the High Priests to the common people. To mock Jesus, the soldiers made a Crown of Thorns from the branches of the DMT tree, Acacia, and forced it upon his head, laughing and calling him "King of the Jews." Thor, Thoron, etc. are varieties of "His" [Thoth's] name. His name of Sivan, or Sin is the Babylonian name of the month of May, which translates to: bush or thorn. —The Thorn Tree: A History of Thorn Worship by the Twelve Tribes of Israel           Brethren where do you