
Showing posts from September 17, 2023

Reason why you should leave bombing

 Fraud can lead to substantial financial, mental, spiritual, health losses if it goes undetected                     Once you find your self inside Yahoo/bombing you'll; no longer have peace of mind, frustration from every angle will get hold of you, next you'll start thinking evil and you'll be like "sin na sin" you'll later find your self, searching for powers to get successful...well if you're a Catholic or you have a friend who's a Catholic you can ask him/her "what is mortal sin" this is a sin against the holy spirit and against God, which at most cases can't be forgiven.....One of the reasons I believe Christianity is the fact that her teachings from the Bible are relevant in Real Life contexts. See what the Bible says about Yahoo Boys; "He that maketh haste to be rich, shall not be innocent"- Prov. 28;20 Do you even get the depth of this simple statement? You may be innocent when you start but you will soon Not be inno