
Showing posts from December 10, 2023

A Zulu traditional ceremony called "Umemulo" which is transition into womanhood... where by if she's still a virgin by 21, a cow is slaughter in her honour and she gets showered with gifts money

Whilst in Zimbabwe full grown men are impregnating girls as young as eight & nine and telling people not to practice their traditions because it is supposedly witcraft and the njuzu dzemu sewage propaganda, i wanted to share how accross Limpopo the Zulus are still practising their culture and tradition till present day. In part of the Zulu monarch they practice the tradition of virginity testing which is called (ukuhlolwa) in Zulu which means being examined or getting tested. Passing this test is a prerequisite for any girl who wants to join in the annual Reed Dance ceremony at King's Palace in Nongoma KwaZulu Natal.    The Zulu reed dance is an event to celebrate Zulu culture when young Zulu girls prepare for womanhood by singing, dancing and other activities, as well as presenting cut reeds to their king. Zulu women queue to get their virginity tested, each with hopes for the same thing which is a certificate confirming their virginity which is given out by the community'